Sunday, September 29, 2013

Fallcon 26

I've just returned home from Fallcon number 26, held in Calgary Alberta. It was another weekend of miniature gaming for me & I managed to once again avoid any boardgames. I was of course tempted to get into Zombicide (which I don't consider a boardgame) but instead opted for a Too Fat Lardies game. More of that to follow.

I spent the weekend at Mark's new home (THANKS MARK & FAMILY!)  & discovered  it was located at the base of Nose Hill in Calgary, a large natural walking wildlife area. Bonus to them for the location! It was also a very easy drive to The Sentry Box for my yearly trip as well as to the convention site.

Now onto the games

Friday night started off with a large SAGA battle. I played the King of Englad...Oh King eh! Very nice! This is where I met one of Mark's new gaming buddies...Mike.

My force consisted of the King and 4 units of Hearthguard.

Across from me was Mark playing a force of Welsh.

I took my force along the flank, losing sight of the rest of the army, but not wanting to leave it open to the Welsh.

As I moved into the gap between the blocks of woods I noticed a gaping gap in our centre. Things were not going well there it seemed.

After a turn of being stumped by the Welsh hitting and running, I was able to draw his leader into a combat, where my Hearthguard aided in slaying the Welsh leader, forcing his army to retire. Alas the battle was lost however as most of the remainder of the army had been shattered. Regardless it was nice being able to out roll Mark!

Saturday morning Sean once again brought out his G.A.S.L.I.G.H.T game. You can see how popular this game is as we had 9 players. The objective of this scenario was to gather up as much of the Glowindium (blue stones) and hold the central repository of the Glowindium (centre of the table). Of course there were guardians of the Glowindium as we soon discovered.

A shot of the table showcasing some of Sean's excellent terrain pieces. As well as the scattered Glowindium.

I played the same force of British Camel Corps led by the esteemed Phil MacCracken with his Indian Guide Lal Singh. As can be seen below whenever someone successfully gathered some Glowindium, a roll was made to see if a guardian arose, which for most of the game was Giant Spiders.

The player beside me, fielding Stampy & the Sikhs charged  the Giant Spider. I did send in Lal Singh to assist, though this spider was tough as nails & took down both Stampy, Lal and a Camel Corps member before succumbing. These buggers had saves of 14 which were very hard to beat.

Below is a shot of the Glowindium Repository.

I decided to split my force, taking 3 soldiers with MacCracken while the others formed a screen & dealt with any guardians.

Marco agreed to a truce with me on my right & spent quite some time dealing with this spider. It likely fed on 5 of his men before it was taken down. Meanwhile the Steam Tank trundled over what Marco considered his Glowindium, this broke a truce barkered between the two & led to a side shot from the cannon.

Eventually we were faced with a Giant Worm which went after Mikes Camel Jockeys. He did slay this monster after a short couple rounds.

Meanwhile the forces of Pasha Spice (Marco) were engaged with the Steam Tank and managed to get the crew to bail out. They were quickly slain by the sabre wielding pirates.

The evening found me in a game of Through the Mud and the Blood, a Too Fat Lardie's WW1 game system. This was a part of the battle of Cambrai in 1917, where the British were trying to penetrate as far as they could pas the 2nd & 3rd trench lines. The host Patrick had a fantastic battlefield.

I had control of the tanks Bosworth. The British forces had the use of 3 tanks & 1 aircraft.

The initial deployment with everyone but the tanks on blinds.

The tanks trundle ahead, with a couple of our infantry units suffered some losses & lots of shock in the open.

The British Air force makes a strafing attack.

Mark Stadel had control of the tank Bob & had taken a hit causing an engine fire. He was able to put it out.

We were only able to get my tank to the halfway point thru the wire before the game was called due to time. We did get started an hour & a half late so that ate into a lot of our time, as well as the teaching of players new to Lardie's systems.

Another fun year of hanging with friends, talking smack with Mark Stadel, making some buys from the auction & finally taking the plunge & buying into the Star Wars X-Wing Miniature Game.


  1. Great report Terry and thank for playing GASLIGHT! Always a blast to have you play.

    1. Thanks Sean! I look forward to playing GASLIGHT, its always a blast. I just wish I could play it more...though I have resisted the temptation of buying all the Colonial HAT 72nd scale figures, unlike another I know.
