Friday, September 23, 2022

Stargrave - Star Freighter Wreckage

 After our first game last month, I was looking at the next scenario & realized that I had the pefect set of 3d stl files for the Salvage Crew scenario.

I had picked these files up on a Kickstarter by Digital Taxidermy.

Wreckage of the Star-Freighter - Kickstarter Bundle

So after getting them printed out, it was crunch time to get painting them. I started off getting some of the scatter pieces painted up, mainly to test the palette of mainly craft paints.

These doorways, gave me an opportunity to test my scorch marks on the blasted walls.

Some pipe pieces

These beams I did with a base coat of black, with Boltgun Metal painted overtop. Then it was some sponging for weathering.

So I opted for a Winter Blue for the interior walls & a Desert Yellow for the outer hull. This was followed by a wash of Agrax Earthshade. Then it was time to get started on the larger pieces.

There are 4 large external hulls in the set with floors for elevation.

And that's as far as I was able to get with my painting. I pushed ahead & got base colours on the last 2 sections for this Sunday's game. I won't showcase them until they are near finished however.

Even with the ones that I am showing, I may be going back to do some more detailing with signage & decals, once I go through what I have available.

So now its time to get the table set up for the guys! Thanks for visiting


  1. Damn! Wish I'd seen that Kickstarter before I bought a bunch of MDF kits from Blotz - these look so much better! Mind you, I didn't have a 3D printer back then...

    Nice job on painting them up. :)

    1. Thanks Tamsin! The files are still available as linked above & could work well with the ones you got from Blotz.As for 3d printers, they can be troublesome, but we are so happy when they print out properly!

  2. Those look great! Love the color palette you went for.

  3. The black and white picture at the top doesn;t give justice toh the size of these pieces, but they're huge - thanks mostly due to including a ficutre for scale. All the bits you've done up add greatly to the overall effect and I'm looking forward to seeing a game with these.

    1. Thanks Joe, your right, these are big pieces which is what is needed for a "Star Freighter". Even a small one! The figure is definately needed to show the scale of them. Game will be today, so hopefully pics up later tonight or tomorrow
