Sunday, February 23, 2025

Stargrave- The Last Prospector Scenario 5

 Today we had everyone out to participate in the next scenario of our Last Prospector Campaign. This was scenario 5 - The Last Station


As we had 5 players, I added 2 small additional rooms on the sides, which would otherwise act as the longer corridors, having a data loot token within.


The centre chamber containing a Physical Loot.


The corridors each contain a data loot. I upgraded the outer doors to have a TN16 lock. This proved to be simple enough for the crews.


Aroogah leads the first of his crew into the area. All the members without filter masks are wearing bulky breathing devices which cause them to suffer -1F against melee attacks.


Kurt's gang arrives. Due to the low gravity, this caused figures not within the station to only move in a straight line unless they contacted a verticle terrain.


As we were in a low gravity environment, I added some additional rules to grenades. Any grenade which landed where it was targeted would scatter 1d6" in a random direction. If the grenade scattered, it would scatter as normal with an additional 6"

As well smoke grenades would dissipate at a faster rate, thus each turn of smoke would increase by 2, rather than 1.


I also made up an unwanted attention table, specific for this scenario. I added additional troopers & included robot ruffians at higher rolls.


Force walls began springing up, channelling each others crews.


Kurt's Captain got caught by arriving pirates & was taken down quickly


Craigs crew made it into the central chamber first, however Chens gang had opened the doors from the corridor.

A quick scuffle ensued for the loot token, but was destroyed by a grenade blast. We have house-ruled loot tokens being within a blast template. They have Fight +0 Armor 16.


Chen's crew in the corridor...where's a flame template when you need one.


As all the crews withdrew, one of Craigs members was caught up by pirates & taken down.


Everyone was able to grab some loot, except for Kurt, who found himself dealing with force walls & pirates.


As Craig again won the investigation for this game, he has chosen that we play scenario 7 next. Stay tuned next month to see how that one works out! Thanks for visiting.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Time for a Dumpster Dive!

Back in December I was working on getting some stl files for dumpsters & trash for my Zombicide games (as well as other apocalyptic settings). I did track down numerous ones either on Thingeverse or MyMiniFactory.

The ones I settled on to get printed & painted were these...


I wanted to try to emulate the ones on the boards, so needed ones that could open. I did find files of trash piles which are yet to be painted up.


For the hinges I used some filament which was then squashed with a heated putty knife to complete it & thus prevent it from sliding out.


There were also printable inserts to fill the dumpster, but as I was fudging around with mulitple prints to get a size I was good with, kinda left those aside for now.


I am quite happy with how they turned out & now need to get those trash piles painted up!


Now its time to get the table ready for the fella's on Sunday for our next Stargrave game!

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Shadows of Brimstone at EWG

Dan brought out Shadows of Brimstone to the club last night. We had 4 of us delve into the old mines to rescue some townsfolk who had been spirited away by some cultist types.


We had a Nun (Dan), Prospector (Colin), Desparato (Chen) & Native Scout (Me).


Our first encounter was a swarm of rats with a rat nest. The rat nest had the potential to spawn more rats each turn until destroyed.


The rats were fast, but we managed to take them down & proceeded to take out the nest.


Alas I never took any photos of the major fight that occured in the following room. In that battle there were 2 Night Terrors, 3 Stranglers & 12 spider-like things. We did manage to survive, but had pretty much used all the healing items we had, so had to withdraw from the mine & were unable to rescue the captives.

Thanks Dan for bringing this out. Next up for the club is X-Wing on the 4th of March

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Alien Fate of the Nostromo at EWG

Last night I ran Alien: Fate of the Nostromo at the club. We had a full game of 5 players, with an extra person lurking who got to join in for our second play of the game. So overall a good turnout with 8 club members in attendance.


I've run this before & its a great club game, as it plays fairly quickly (depending how fast the players lose their morale to the rampaging Xeno). We also used the Ash optional rule, which pretty much ties up one of the characters to keep Ash from causing issues.


Our first game didn't last long, we lost lots of morale quickly & had only accomplished 2 of the 6 objectives we had.


Chen had to leave, so Jonathan jumped in for the second game. Now that the players had a better grasp of the abilities of the various crew members, we were more strategic with movement of the Xeno.


As well, much more gear was built. Flashlights & the incinerators, followed my motion detectors to clear the concealed tokens.


We had managed to clear 4 of the 6 objectives before a band chain of events occured. The Xeno moved onto me in the image below & I had to flee into one of the rooms with the concealed token. It revealed the Alien again, which caused us to lose 7 morale in 1 turn....thats where everything went sideways


All in all, a great game & everyone who played had a good time. I am sure this will find other evenings at the club in the future.  Our next club night will have Dan running Shadows of Brimstone, so stay tuned for that!

Sunday, February 2, 2025

LOTR Numenorean Swordsmen

 Well I will start by hoping that Evan is sitting down when he see's this. After purchasing the GW LOTR system when it was released way back in 2001, its been stashed with all the other LOTR items that followed in my crawlspace.

Now the interest was certainly there to get them started, but other systems & life in general & perhaps a bit of laziness on my part never actually got them to the paint table. Time passed, with many swap meets seeing me snag more figures as during the lull of the system, people seemed to be unloading it. So I bought more....again stashed.

Well this year I have decided it was time to start painting them! So lets go back to the original stuff first The Fellowship of the Ring Starter set, with 2nd age Men of Numenor & Elves with some Moria Goblins.

As I looked through my pristine copy (still on sprue) I figured I would dig out all the loose figures to start & then maybe can sell my new set further down the road. I am pretty sure I will have enough figures to make a force.

With prep done it was time to start on my first 12 Men of Numenor. (They originally called them Men of Gondor I believe). I watched a couple of Youtube videos of people painting these & enjoyed this one the most from Mini-Earth.

So I managed to complete 4 of them today & have pretty much figured out which colours I am using where.

I didn't go with quite the same colours as Mini-Earth, but am happy with how they turned out.

So looking at the rules, there is mention of having Officers within the troops, so I started with painting a yellow dot on the 'officer' figure, but then wanted to define them on the figure themselves. So I decided that the Officer would have golden wings on the helm vs just the Gold edging seen on the common troops.

So here they are on a ruined tower display just for something a bit fancier.

I also have the buildings I am working on for the store in progress as well as the dumpsters for Zombicide, so they will likely be getting a view soon. So thats it for today's post. Thanks for visiting & I hope you don't get sick of seeing more of these fellows appearing in the weeks ahead!