Thursday, March 6, 2025

Prep for Gobfest & a workbench update

We are now 3 weeks away from the Gaming on Board (Gobfest) convention. A horrible name I know. However this year something new has happened. We had one of their members approach our club about trying some miniature games at their event. So Bruce & I offered to host a couple of sessions each, just to see how it is received by the attendees.

I attended for my first time last year & enjoyed it, as it allowed me to try some boardgames I hadn't seen before.

I have offered to run Frostgrave for them & have just figured out the table layout I will use for it.


It will be 4 players, with pre-built Wizard bands of roughly 8 figures. I've also gotten my figures all set aside & ready to go. 

I've also gotten some more work done on the building commission for a local store. The first level of one building is completed


The stairs have been built  & added. I had to do some Youtube watching to get a good method to build these.


The upper floor has been built & painted, so just need to complete the second floor walls & roof for this one.

 I've also completed the lower walls of the second building, which will otherwise mimic the first in size & build. 


So thats about it for today. I will be sure to add a finished build photo with a figure for scale when completed. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

X-Wing at EWG

Last night, Craig brought out X-Wing for a game. It's been quite awhile since I played this & it was great to see it again on the table.

We had 4 guys out to play. Craig & Martin played the Rebels, while Dan & I were the Empire.


The scenario involved the Empire escorting 3 containers across the zone, while the Rebels were hoping to snag a couple to disrupt their plans. 


The Rebels chose to have the Millenium Falcon as being the ship that could gather the with that in mind, it became the target of the Empire forces...trying to slow it down & hinder its mobility, while the containers continue to cross the zone.

There was the loss of all the Empire force except for the last Tie Fighter which managed to delay the Falcon long enough for the containers to get away.

 Thanks Craig for a fun game, hopefully we will get more people out the next time you bring it!