Saturday, March 27, 2021

Temple of Chac - Arely Tamay

Our 2nd Adventurer that will be braving the depths of the Temple of Chac is Arely Tamay.


OK this is easily the most unprepared young lady to go exploring. Guess one shouldn't believe everything they read on the internet. Although maybe its a ploy to distract the other adventurers?


Arely is a young Guatamalan of noble Mayan descent whose advantage over her competitors is her knowledge of Mayan Culture. Her special ability being Linguistics. 


Hopefully tomorrows paint session will allow me to get a couple more of these characters finished! 


  1. Wow! Looking at the normal unpainted plastic model I had absolutely no idea that this figure would turn out this way with some paint lol! Great stuff though 😀

    1. Thanks Ivor, she is certainly the oddest of all the adventurers braving the temple!

  2. Interesting sculpt. I like your paintjob too. Agreed that she's a little under-equipped for a trip into an ancient temple though.

    1. Aye, she is the most underdressed of the lot. Though maybe her ancestor's spirits are protecting her?

  3. The lengths some adventurers go to get noticed !
    Wonderful sculpt and a real fun model, thoguh how much use she could be is debatable.

    1. Actually her ability of linguistics allows her to peek at a lava room tile to determine whether where she is about to step is trapped or not. Of course she only gets to do this once, but may make the difference between continuing to show her bling, or plummeting to melt all that gold down.
