Sunday, October 23, 2022

Zomtober - Week 4

 Another batch of the Zombicide Runner Zombies has been completed for this weeks entry for Zomtober

These are the last 5 of this pose, & this time I was again working on adding more dark skinned zombies.

I was also beginning to dabble with making bits of cloth or paper rubbish on the ground (the right most figure), beyond the use of the reduced sized magazine covers.

So with a single weekend remaining for Zomtober, its time to get back to the paint table. Until then...


  1. Lovely work Terry! I like the different bases you did for them all

  2. You are getting a very distinctive style with your current painting technique, it looks very efffective.

    1. Thanks Joe, still puttering around learning the Slap Chop technique
