Sunday, October 21, 2018

Zomtober 2018 - Week 3

Continuing on with the Z War Damnation figures, this week I have 2 more completed.

Another of the characters, this time Sam, & another of the zombie sculpts

Sam seems to be the brainiac of the characters, using his tank of zombie stink & a gas mask, likely a wise choice in the putrid smelling world they are now in. He also seems to tend to 'Run Away!' if given a chance.

Hopefully will get a better number churned out for next & what appears to be the last of Zomtober for this year. I will continue to get the core box figures done after Zomtober, as will very much likely be the case.

I did get another Kickstarter which is drawing my eyes as I unpacked it, but that is for another post! 


  1. Nice work on this pair. I watched some play through videos and the gas comes in handy!

    1. I guess I need to do that as well Simon, I will certainly want to play the game when I am finished with the figures!

  2. Nice pairing and I especially like Sam's dynamic pose.

  3. Very nice work. Would you share your zombie flesh paint recipe?
    Regarding the gas mask: it almost seems like a requirement. One thing I've noticed on The Walking Dead is that the characters never react to how horrible it must smell everywhere. I guess there's something to be said for getting used to smells, but I find it somewhat unrealistic that they can enter a building and be surprised by a sudden appearance of a large number of zombies. I imagine there would be quite a cloud of flies everywhere, too...

    1. Hi Angry Piper, you would indeed think that anything that could remove the stench would be a plus. As to my painting of the zombie skin, I owe most of the credit to the army painter dips which I paint on. I just paint the flesh with either Zombie Flesh (have an older GW paint) or the newer Army Painter Plague Flesh. Then when finished, I brush on the army painter strong dip. As it goes to the recesses, it does a nice contrast & also seems to give them that dirty flesh look. Hope this helps!

  4. I like them a lot. Especially the zombie. Really nice skill.

    1. I meant 'really nice sculpt', but your skill's good too. :)

    2. Heh works for me either way Kieron!

  5. Excellent work on Sam and the Zombie Terry - great stuff mate. :)

  6. I'd be running away more often than closing with the zed-heads too, so Sam strikes me as a sensible type. :)

    Some more good work sir, well done.

  7. Nice work. These looks really good.
