Sunday, July 25, 2021

Stargrave - Medium Scrap Heap

This weekend saw the completion of another of the scrap piles. This time it was the medium version


Again see the previous post for the Thingeverse file.


Here is the image with a figure for scale. Definately a Star Wars vibe to these, but they will certainly work for any sci-fi gaming.


Still working on the Homokanis figures & will be tackling the Large scrap pile for the next terrain piece too. 


  1. Very nice Terry it turned out great. Really love the weathering as well.

    1. Thanks Simon! The funnest part is the weathering. Once all the base colours are down, I've been enjoying the use of the sponges & old beat up brushes to do these effects.

  2. Very nice! Those decals look like they were made for the pod-thing.

    1. Thanks Dai, I picked up a whole ziplock bag full of GW Decal sheets at one of the vendors during a convention, now I am finally getting stuff to use them on. I've mostly been a Fantasy/Medeival era gamer, so the Sci-Fi is all new to me. Though i won't be going down the 40K rabbithole, I have been picking up various figures sets like Kill team & Nectromunda that have oodles of terrain!

  3. This 'medium' piece (ahem), looks great and is reallya very substantial piece of scenery, Great painting too, with the odd few bits of decal adding a great effect.

    1. Thanks Joe, yes I am glad I have things to use all these decals I've hoarded away these many years.
