Monday, March 18, 2019

Star Wars - Imperial Assault

This past weekend, I finished up 4 more of the Star Wars Imperial Assault figures that I am painting for a friend.

First up is Hondo Ohnaka

As well I had the 2 Hero figures from the latest expansion Tyrants of Lothal. CT-1701 & Tress Hacnua.

I also had another Smuggler to paint, so this time I went with my own scheme, having painted one to match the card before for my friend.

Next on the paint table are the remainder of the Star Wars figures, & some Myconid Fungus men for our next upcoming Frostgrave Game!


  1. Those look great Terry! I'm not familiar with IA at all but that's really neat that Hondo Ohnaka is available - is Cad Bane available as well?
    Such a shame that they are a different scale to the Legion figures though.

    1. Thanks Ivor. I haven't seen a Cad Bane figure for this system yet. Perhaps down the road? I have one more set to paint for my friend. Sabine Wren & Zeb Orrelios. Think they are from the Clone Wars series?

  2. Nice work on these Terry they turned out great.

  3. Those look awesome Terry !

    Love Hondo - it's a striking figure.

  4. Some very dynamic looking figures there and your piant-jobs are top-notch too.

  5. Your figures look great! Whats your recipe for the white hair? Is that a grey wash?

    1. Hi Dungeonslinger, I use lots of Craft paints from Michael's, so as I recall I started with a Quarry Pebble base, then white on all the hi-lights. My biggest non-secret is Army Painter Strong dip brushed on. It does tend to make everything 'muddy' so for example the storm trooper armor isn't the bright white we all expect, but I really like the protective value of the varnish.

    2. Hey thanks for the response ill try out your non-secret. Great blog from what ive read. Have a good one.
