Thursday, March 20, 2025

Muskets & Tomahawks at EWG

Tuesday night, Richard ran a game of Muskets & Tomahawks. Set up for 4 players, we only had 3 as a few folks cancelled just prior to the game.


This was a battle set during the AWI with Provinicial Troops attempting to clear the Fallen Woods. Pitted against them were several units of natives & some Canadian Militia dressed up to look like natives.


The entire board was considered light cover, which added lots of sighting issues, with the various column shifts due to class & skills of the elements.


However once the lead began to fly, the smoke made things a whole lot easier. The natives did succumb to the skilled firing of the provincial troops, who held their own. The Provincial forces did have their militia beat a hasty retreat, but then that was to be expected. Thanks for running the game Richard!

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Stargrave - The Last Prospector Scenario 7

Today we played the Infestation scenario of the Last Prospector campaign.

While patrolling a region of the first asteroid belt, an emergency distress signal comes from a nearby UMI mining facility. The message is garbled & panicked but it appears the miners are under attack - not from another faction, but from something within the asteroid itself.


15 Miners are around a central shaft that has been dug further into the asteroid. However 4 more 'holes' appear & swarms of Strice emerge & begin closing in on the hapless miners.


The crews having arrived enter via doors in the mine walls. Its obvious these miners need rescueing.


With the crews arrival, they were able to whittle down the Strice numbers as they moved towards the miners. Rather than have designated amounts of miners per player, we changed it to having make base to base contact with one of your crew to have them join you (and thus allow you to earn xp)


Otherwise the miners would activate between the players & creatures phase to move towards the nearest exits, avoiding combat as best they can.


We also made it so that the lowest 3 players would deploy 3/2/1 Strice at the various holes during the creature phase.


We had lots of instances of Strice swarming players, but they did seem to die a lot. I think everyone had their quota of Creatures Killed xp filled out.


The central area was filled with walls of force.


Kurt's Grenadier gets mauled!


Most of the crews successfully grabbed loot & minors & made a break for the exits. 


So some thoughts about the next time we run this scenario. We will start the game with the large central shaft that the minors have bored into the Strice pockets.

Rather than have other holes. we will use a smaller 30mm or 40mm circular base which will be placed anywhere on the board by the players with the lowest initiative. They will then place the 3/2/1 Strice numbers emerging from them. The player with the highest initiative will then place a 3 Strice Swarm around the edge of the central hole. This will certainly add some more excitement to the game, as players won't know where they will emerge from & lone crewmen can be targeted by savvy opponents.


Thanks for visiting. 

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Prep for Gobfest & a workbench update

We are now 3 weeks away from the Gaming on Board (Gobfest) convention. A horrible name I know. However this year something new has happened. We had one of their members approach our club about trying some miniature games at their event. So Bruce & I offered to host a couple of sessions each, just to see how it is received by the attendees.

I attended for my first time last year & enjoyed it, as it allowed me to try some boardgames I hadn't seen before.

I have offered to run Frostgrave for them & have just figured out the table layout I will use for it.


It will be 4 players, with pre-built Wizard bands of roughly 8 figures. I've also gotten my figures all set aside & ready to go. 

I've also gotten some more work done on the building commission for a local store. The first level of one building is completed


The stairs have been built  & added. I had to do some Youtube watching to get a good method to build these.


The upper floor has been built & painted, so just need to complete the second floor walls & roof for this one.

 I've also completed the lower walls of the second building, which will otherwise mimic the first in size & build. 


So thats about it for today. I will be sure to add a finished build photo with a figure for scale when completed. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

X-Wing at EWG

Last night, Craig brought out X-Wing for a game. It's been quite awhile since I played this & it was great to see it again on the table.

We had 4 guys out to play. Craig & Martin played the Rebels, while Dan & I were the Empire.


The scenario involved the Empire escorting 3 containers across the zone, while the Rebels were hoping to snag a couple to disrupt their plans. 


The Rebels chose to have the Millenium Falcon as being the ship that could gather the with that in mind, it became the target of the Empire forces...trying to slow it down & hinder its mobility, while the containers continue to cross the zone.

There was the loss of all the Empire force except for the last Tie Fighter which managed to delay the Falcon long enough for the containers to get away.

 Thanks Craig for a fun game, hopefully we will get more people out the next time you bring it! 

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Stargrave- The Last Prospector Scenario 5

 Today we had everyone out to participate in the next scenario of our Last Prospector Campaign. This was scenario 5 - The Last Station


As we had 5 players, I added 2 small additional rooms on the sides, which would otherwise act as the longer corridors, having a data loot token within.


The centre chamber containing a Physical Loot.


The corridors each contain a data loot. I upgraded the outer doors to have a TN16 lock. This proved to be simple enough for the crews.


Aroogah leads the first of his crew into the area. All the members without filter masks are wearing bulky breathing devices which cause them to suffer -1F against melee attacks.


Kurt's gang arrives. Due to the low gravity, this caused figures not within the station to only move in a straight line unless they contacted a verticle terrain.


As we were in a low gravity environment, I added some additional rules to grenades. Any grenade which landed where it was targeted would scatter 1d6" in a random direction. If the grenade scattered, it would scatter as normal with an additional 6"

As well smoke grenades would dissipate at a faster rate, thus each turn of smoke would increase by 2, rather than 1.


I also made up an unwanted attention table, specific for this scenario. I added additional troopers & included robot ruffians at higher rolls.


Force walls began springing up, channelling each others crews.


Kurt's Captain got caught by arriving pirates & was taken down quickly


Craigs crew made it into the central chamber first, however Chens gang had opened the doors from the corridor.

A quick scuffle ensued for the loot token, but was destroyed by a grenade blast. We have house-ruled loot tokens being within a blast template. They have Fight +0 Armor 16.


Chen's crew in the corridor...where's a flame template when you need one.


As all the crews withdrew, one of Craigs members was caught up by pirates & taken down.


Everyone was able to grab some loot, except for Kurt, who found himself dealing with force walls & pirates.


As Craig again won the investigation for this game, he has chosen that we play scenario 7 next. Stay tuned next month to see how that one works out! Thanks for visiting.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Time for a Dumpster Dive!

Back in December I was working on getting some stl files for dumpsters & trash for my Zombicide games (as well as other apocalyptic settings). I did track down numerous ones either on Thingeverse or MyMiniFactory.

The ones I settled on to get printed & painted were these...


I wanted to try to emulate the ones on the boards, so needed ones that could open. I did find files of trash piles which are yet to be painted up.


For the hinges I used some filament which was then squashed with a heated putty knife to complete it & thus prevent it from sliding out.


There were also printable inserts to fill the dumpster, but as I was fudging around with mulitple prints to get a size I was good with, kinda left those aside for now.


I am quite happy with how they turned out & now need to get those trash piles painted up!


Now its time to get the table ready for the fella's on Sunday for our next Stargrave game!

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Shadows of Brimstone at EWG

Dan brought out Shadows of Brimstone to the club last night. We had 4 of us delve into the old mines to rescue some townsfolk who had been spirited away by some cultist types.


We had a Nun (Dan), Prospector (Colin), Desparato (Chen) & Native Scout (Me).


Our first encounter was a swarm of rats with a rat nest. The rat nest had the potential to spawn more rats each turn until destroyed.


The rats were fast, but we managed to take them down & proceeded to take out the nest.


Alas I never took any photos of the major fight that occured in the following room. In that battle there were 2 Night Terrors, 3 Stranglers & 12 spider-like things. We did manage to survive, but had pretty much used all the healing items we had, so had to withdraw from the mine & were unable to rescue the captives.

Thanks Dan for bringing this out. Next up for the club is X-Wing on the 4th of March