Saturday, October 26, 2024

Zomtober - Week 4!

As quick as that, we've come to the last weekend of Zomtober. 


As mentioned in the previous post, this week & month will end with an Abomination.


This is another of the original first edition Abominations,with many jagged pieces of metal jutting from its hulking form. 


I really think avoiding a hug from this fella is a good plan. So with the end of another Zomtober, I am now prepping stuff for a swapmeet occuring next weekend. Thanks for visiting.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Zomtober - Week 3

October is flying by....already the end of week 3.


So here we have 2 more Fatties from the Original Zombicide core game completed. These gore-splattered shamblers, never travel alone...always having Walker tag-alongs.


Looking ahead, there is but 1 week remaining. With that in mind, it will be time for an Abomination! 

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Model Train Fall Swap Meet

Today was a day to deal with all things Model Train....things that were for sale at some excellent prices!


I always like to attend these events to see what I can find for my Zombie Apocalypse, Pulp, Gangsters games. Its also an opportunity to get terrain items, whether its trees, rocks, buildings, etc.

My first find of the day was this excellent 'large' airfield emergency tanker.

 As with most items, you can often haggle a bit, which I did for this one. Next up was some smaller vehicles which can be used for pulp or gangsters.


Then I saw a 1960's Police car, that had working doors & trunk.


A couple more larger trucks, I can already see the potential of graffiti on the white truck!


My last find was this Plasticville Hanger. The planes themselves don't suit the scale, so will shunted off to the garage sale box.


I managed to get a walkthru done in about 45 minutes. It was quite busy & another successful swapmeet in the books.


Friday, October 18, 2024

Zombicide Campaign Game 6 - The Big W

With the previous group failing to return to the camp. It was now left to Doug to carry on. He managed to cobble together another group with the assistance of Troy. They encountered Bill, El Cholo & the Carboard Tube Samurai.


Kinda fitting that its Doug as the image on this one...

As they entered the streets, they quickly opened the first door whilst all still in blue. Mostly walkers, with a Runner & Fattie. Shouldn't be too hard to handle.


As most of the group dealt with the building & collected the objectives, The Cardboard Tube Samurai headed off down the street to open another door.


With the first building cleared, it was back into the street to cause some melee mayhem!


The next building gets cleared as the zombies continue to arrive.


As the group made for the 2nd last building, they were into the orange level & things were heating up quick! Lots more runners were arriving!


As the Cardboard Tube Samurai raced to collect the final objective, Troy was taken down (however was rescued by Bill). Alas El Cholo only gets to make a cameo appearance as he fell & wasn't saved by games end.


This game went much quicker than expected. The groups ideas of opening building early while in the blue will generally mean fewer zombies. Guess we shall see how those ideas work in the next game! Thanks for playing.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Necromunda - The Campaign Begins!

We gathered at Elliot's place on Sunday. 4 of the 6 people in the campaign were able to attend (it is Thanksgiving Weekend here in Canada) as we launched the official first game of the campaign.

Just prior I had finished off 2 more figures for my gang.


For todays game I squared off against Elliot's Precinct BZ-77 'Crooked Cops' gang....more on that later. Our scenario was generated by a card deck - 'Open Hive War Deck' & this is what we pulled.

Scenario -  sounds a lot like a bug hunt to me! But we just had to have the most gang members to score.


Deployment - we rolled off & Elliot chose to go with the 'in your face' deployment where our gangs were 6" from each other.


Perils - Well this was interesting. We could all see one another through the bullet ridden walls. Shooting was still an issue. A part from the visual side of it, it didn't do much otherwise, as trying to score 6's to hit was a thing.


Loot - We both scored this one at the end.


Alas I forgot to get a photo of the entire battlefield, but most of the action occured within this central chamber. We each had 3 intrigue cards as well. There is a lot of stuff happening in these games... Yep we were that close! I got the initiative & for my first action, the fellow on the left without the ready marker had just planted a bomb (one of the intrigue cards)


As Elliot activated his Captain for a group action, I hit him with a gang card which required him testing or going insane. His Captain then ran over to smoke one of his other characters. Meanwhile his Grenadier was launching explosives which were taking everyone down, but with an abundance of rolling 1's, left most figures prone, but little else. Elliot scored the first Critter VP.


Things continued, with his Captain breaking & running. He brought in one of his gangers to shoot point blank at my Juve. Again, the dice were not good -  a voice in my head kept saying "There Can Only be 1's". We each had a couple of guys out of ammo.


Elliot scored on the Critters again, leaving him 1 point from the win. The critter then got moved by me to a safe space where I scored a point. However Elliot also got to move the marker for the end & with him being the only figure near it, scored the final VP for the win.

Still need to update my gang from the after effects -  injuries, xp, etc. A couple takeaways from this first game. Elliot's gang has huge armor saves with his armor & shield. I was able to take out his Captain & 2 Champs by using my Wyrd powers & Web weapons. Having his Captain go insane in round 1 was a big help too.

Great game & it was a lot of fun. Now its time for Turkey!

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Zomtober - Week 2

Shuffling along we've now reached week 2 of Zomtober. 


So here we have another 3 Walkers to add to the horde.


Done with speedpaints for most of them, I opted for a little less gore on these ones compared to the others.


Sometimes less is more? Who can say, but they certainly aren't invited for Thanksgiving Dinner! 

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Necromunda - Nacht Ghules

Feverishly trying to get my gang painted before our campaign launches this Sunday, I got the 2 Delaque Nacht Ghules done.


For this pair I wanted to try something I've seen another person do to make his Pirates appear ghostly....basically using blacks over white.


As I tend to prep my figures these days for slapchop I thought this might work out well. Though as I went along, I did see I wasn't going to score the same effect, but did like what I was getting.


In effect, this class works in the shadows, striking from within them. So I went with a very muted dark (blackish) outfit which included their carapaces. I tried both the GW contrast, Black Legion & Black Templar. After looking at the results I believe the Black Legion does a better job for the effect I was after.


So I had to do a bit of light drybrush over the Black Templar one. Also I wanted some parts to 'stand out' & so they were painted normal. Quite happy with the final results & I really like the poses. Now to see if they are worth the credits!