Friday, June 28, 2024

Building 6 & a few more Terrain Crate

Building 6 is now completed. A bit of a smaller one, but not by much.


I went with a wood plank floor for this one.


Also finished up some of the tables/benches from the Terrain Crate stuff I got. 


If you were to buy it now, it would be part of the Tavern set shown in my previous post. So just a short post for today, as we move into a long weekend!

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Terrain Crate Tavern

Continuing with the box of Mantic's Terrain Crate stuff, I've finished up the Tavern Set.


As I did the Kickstarter for this, I actually have extra's which I will not be using, so they will be into the Swapmeet box & hopefully finding a new home at some point. The set I had also had the tables/benches as a separate bag, & they are now on the paint table, so not part of this post.


The fireplace has an insert that represents the flame/iron fire holder & can be pulled out. Which of course would make my OSL attempt look rather odd.


For the bottles, I went over them with Gloss varnish after the matte spray to try to make them pop & a bit shinier. 

So a short post for today, as I am pulling stuff out for an upcoming swapmeet. Thanks as always for stopping by! 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Building 5 - Halfway there!

 Continuing with my commission for a local game store, I've completed the next building for them.

For this one, I've used the very cool patterned wall paper to represent the stone walls all around, as well as the flooring.


This wallpaper first came to my notice from a fellow on one of the facebook miniatures sites I follow, where he was using it for his bases. Intriqued & impressed, I sought out a couple rolls of this, as it was quickly becoming hard to find....I wonder why?


It is a bit of a challenge to work with as it is slightly metallic & the paint seems to have a hard time adhering to hit, but with perserverence it all works in the end.

I am quite happy with the result & look forward to getting them to their new home.

I've also finished up that horse needed for the cart set from Terrain Crate. As I painted this, I realized how few horses I've painted in all the years I've actually been painting.

I've begun working on the next building & am working on the Tavern set for Terrain Crate. Stay tuned!

Friday, June 14, 2024

Building 4 & some Terrain Crate!

Another building is completed, as this is the 4th of 10. A quicker one than the previous, & as I make more, they are coming along quicker, with tweaks to the process as I continue to learn things.


Again, these are all going to have removable roofs to allow figures to be used inside them.


As well as much of the time on the buildings involves waiting for glue to dry, I've opened up a box of Terrain Crate & started working on these. The Terrain crate series I got was the Kickstarter versions & now it appears they are selling the various sets individually. 

Up first is the Horse & Cart. This is a 4 piece set

 Horse and Cart

I am still working on the horse & should have it done soon, so will post a pic of that when done, likely with the next building I am doing.


I used speed/contrast for all of it, except for the metal barrel staves & metal bits on the cart. This was followed by some light drybrushing.


The cart suffers from a fair bit of warping due to the material used in its construction & although I tried using hot/cold water dips to improve, it may take some other method to correct. It is however still usable.

Thus that completes my post for today! Thanks for taking the time to view/read. 

Friday, June 7, 2024

Another Addition to the Village

Continuing my work on the building commision for a local game store, I've completed the 3rd of 10 buildings.


This is another based on the old Townscape book buildings.


Again, its been designed to allow players to use the inside or out (good for potential RPG gaming). 


The doors again open & close using my toothpick hinge design. 


Work on the next building is well under way.