Moving towards my next Stargrave Crew/Pirate project, I've spent the past few lunch hours getting the bases finished.
So this post is more about the bases than the figures, but I will give a teaser at the end!
I used some bases from a GW base set.
These are quite detailed & took longer than I thought. I wanted to keep in the same vein as the other bases I've been doing for Core Space & now Stargrave. In effect they are painted Charcoal Grey (craft paint) followed by the sponging on of metallic silver & Tin Bitz (Or is it Tinny tin these days)
Again I've been snagging old model kit decals to finish them up with some text/numbers, etc. I expect as I continue, there may be some emblems also making appearances. Once the decals are applied & dried, a sponging of rust is applied to complete them.
I was even able to start using some of those many German vehicle plates. So with the success here, expect to see more.
So who will be getting based on these? Well I can tell you, its another batch of the figures I bought from Bob Naismith. This time going with the Homokamis, which appear to be wolf headed spacefarers ( any relation to the space gnolls of Nick's?)
Photo owned by Bob Naismith.
I have 9 of them printed from the set I got, & also have some other options to complete the crew. Though it would be nice to get some specialists from this series. Perhaps an email to Bob is in order....or I will in fact make some gnolll specialists.
So there are numerous other things afoot for the next while as I continue to print the 3d stuff I have & work at painting....though there isn't a hope in hell I will keep up!