Monday, July 29, 2024

Stargrave - All Aboard!

After a couple month hiatus due to injury, travel, swap meets, we finally got together to play our next campaign scenario. This time it was All Aboard from the Q37 book.


We did the intro as per the book scenario, in short, we needed to get onto the Rim Rail to return to the area our ships were located. 


Set-up: There are 2 tracks running across the table which then enter tunnels at both ends. A raised platform sits between them. The rest of the table is covered with rock outcrops (we are in a large cavern), cargo & boxes.


Special Rules: I made up my own rules for how the rail carriages would move. After determining the initiative, the person who rolled lowest decided which was to be track 1 & the other track 2.

At the end of each turn, the person who rolled lowest, would move the car of the track based on 1 = odd number, 2 = even number. They would then roll a D20 & add the initiative roll they made to determine how many inches the carriage would move.

If the carriage ends it move anywhere along the centre platform, the doors would open on the platform side & would remain open until the carraige moved again.

If the carraige moves over a figure standing on the track, it is immediately hit by a +5 attack. The figure would then be moved away (if successful) or hurled a distance equal to the amount of damage taken in inches.

Also at the end of each creature phase 2 blip tokens appear. Determine the location of the first one then the 2nd appeared diagonally from the first.

Anytime a loot token is unlocked, a blip appears in a random direction & D20" away

To gain bonus xp, the crewmen must exit via the carriage furthest from their entry point. They can opt to take the closer carriage & while they will exit, will get no xp. As well any loot token taken off via the closer carriage would not count.

The bonus xp is as written in the book.

So, here is how it played out. On the first turn carriage 1 arrives & made it about 9" onto the board.


As the various crews arrived, smoke was deployed & force walls went up.


Carriage 2 arrives, & by now there are bugs appearing


A familiar sight. Everything seems fine for Scott's crew at this point in the game.


Several of my crew have made it to the platform, although a worker bug has engaged Reese, my chiseler.


Squee, the First Mate, grabs the Physical Loot, leaving Reese to handle the bug.


Chen's crew were finding themselves set upon from all sides.


As my Captain unlocks a loot token, 2 Warrior bugs jump out from beneath the plaform (I rolled a 1 for blip distance.) However I was able to pull back from them. The bugs were then taken down by Dan's Psychic Fire.


Carriage 1 arrives at a perfect point for my crew to begin jumping into it.


 Dan finds one of his infected members turns within their midst. He was able to take the zombie down before anyone else was infected.


Reese falls to the Worker Bug


Scott's crew finds itself being swarmed by Warrior Bugs & Worker Bugs


I managed to get almost my entire crew onto the carriage as it makes its way towards the tunnel


Everyone else was waiting anxiously for their carriages to stop where they could jump on. All made it away in the end, well except for Scott's crew which although 2 members had gotten onto a carriage, their Captain & First Mate died at the claws of the Bugs.


All in all a good game.Thanks to Chen for getting the rail cars printed & ready. Alas those who lost cremen will be unable to replace the dead ones, however the badly injured will have reduced health going into the next scenario. Until then, thanks for following along!

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Building 7 - Almost there!

The next building for the store I am working on them for is just about done, just need a bit of drybrushing the timbers on the upper floor to complete it.


This is a gatehouse type building, which could be used within a city to divide a section or entry for a guildhall. The upper floor is playable. 


Hoping to drop these off for the store next Saturday. 

Friday, July 19, 2024

Zombicide Campaign Game 3 - Y Zone!

 It was time once again to set forth on our Zombicide Campaign. This week we had Anne, Kurt & I delving into the city to search for Pimp Weapons & then get away. Today's scenario was Y-Zone from the 2nd Ed core rulebook.

As we were required to gather weaons, we had no choice but to enter the buildings. These buildings had a LOT of rooms!

Ned opened the door, seeing 2 walkers within....not too hard eh!

But then the moaning from further within, brought us back to a zombie apocalypse reality!

Phil & Dave enter & grab the first crate & our first 'Pimp' Weapon.

We chose to just keep the 1 door open & not delve further in.....this would provide us some time to get into other buildings before being overwhelmed. 

Ned moved into the next building & discovered Troy hiding within! He gratefully joined the surivors!

As the shambling hordes continued behind us, we all got with the central building & prepared to open the door. By this time, there was an Abomination wandering about. 2 more Pimp Weapons have been discovered...3 out of 7! (We had to add another to our tally with the arrival of Troy)

Everyone is together......Ready! Set! GO!

As the door is ripped open, we proceed to the small building, getting in quick before a mass of runners make it too us.

With the zombies massing, it forces us to get into the last building. The daylight is failing...soon it will be dark!

Phil uses his flashlight to assist with the ranged combat!

We get into the first room, gaining another weapon crate & begin to destroy the zombies within, luckily most are walkers.

Continuing through the building....this is when it was realized that we were not going to have enough crates...we would have to return to the first building to get the last weapon.

We were now getting swarmed but were able to kill the zombies before they could damage us.

Dave hurled his last Molotov into the horde approaching..that gave us a bit of breathing room.

A very shotlived respite, as Troy was making his way towards the now empty first building to retrieve the last crate. The remainder were making a stand until his return!

With Phil being in the Red zone...we had many runners show up & just when we thought we had it under control...they had a double action! 10 wounds were delivered & only due to us having 6 survivors in the space, did we survive! Though now, several were badly wounded & being forced to drop much needed equipment.

Just after this turn, we were near the closing time of the store & had to wrap it up. Even though Troy had managed to grab his weapon, we did not make it off the board & thus the scenario will count as a loss.

The game came to a climatic ending & its very likely we would have lost a couple of survivors, so even though we took the loss, we didn't lose anyone....thus the campaign will continue!

Thanks for those who played!

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

It seems I've gotten - In Too Deep!

Last fall, I got to try a new game (at least for me) during Kefcon called In Too Deep. Not sure what I was really getting into, however...


I think it best to allow the makers of the game provide the intro


So afterwards I was talking with Craig about our thoughts of the game. Both of us were taken enough to track it down for our group to play. The copy I found didn't have the miniatures, just the standees, so a quick search got me the company's website & I was able to procur them.

So here are the first bunch I finished painting up during the weekend. These figures are likely close to 54mm in scale.

The Jumper & The Scourge


The Sprinter & The Fixer


The Disruptor & The Persuader


These were done with Speedpaints/Constrast Paints, with minor acrylics to finish or the metal pieces


And the rear view.


There are another 4 or 5 cyber criminals to paint, as well as the Security Bot & Droids. Then we will be ready to get a game in. I am not sure our club night will work as there won't be enough time, however it may provide a good opportunity to show the game & see who goes Too Deep!


Thanks for visiting.