Sunday, June 18, 2023

Mordheim - The West Gate Prep

With our last Road to Mordheim Campaign game looming at the beginning of next month, I have been getting some needed pieces built. The scenario calls for a raised platform at the centre of the table.

So it was time to haul out some pink foam & get started.

Deciding on how large I wanted the centre platform I cut 4 pieces (for 4 tables). In a previous build I tried cutting stairs & stuff into these platforms, but with issues using the rollers for the patterns, opted for a simpler & more versatile option


Having the pieces cut, it was now time to pattern them. I used a flagstone roller for the side stones.


Then a cobblestone for the travelled surfaces


Then it was time to paint them up. Here are the paints used, perfect for craft paints!


 And a view of how these ramps can be used.


They are more versatile than carving in fixed ramps, etc, as they can be placed anywhere around the platform

So another batch of fairly quick raised platforms for use in skirmish games such as Mordheim & Frostgrave. Onto the next project for this scenario!


  1. Really nice work, and those colors are perfection.

  2. Those rollers are an inspired choice, their imprints look very natural and not at all uniform. Greenstuffworld?

    The modular aspect appeals to, you've inspired me Terry.
