Friday, May 3, 2024

Under Construction



Some time back, I was asked if I was able to make some buildings for a local game store. It seems that during one of another gaming store swapmeets, he purchased a building I  had made years ago.


As it would seem, it had become one of the stores favorite pieces used by players. With that, how could I say no. I asked him to send me some images of what he had in mind & was surprised to have several images from the GW Townscape book that I had bought years ago & used for a template of the building he had bought at the swapmeet.

We have then had some further discussions that he wanted some stuff for the Mordhiem players, so with that in mind, the goal is to make the buildings accessible, though not totally destroyed in most cases. That way the RPG players can use the buildings in their games too. So let the construction begin...

The first building is more for Mordheim, with ruined roof allowing access for the players to get into the grime! Built using Hirst Art mold plaster blocks, foam core, foam & cardstock. Even added a couple doors from the old Mighty Fortress & I believe a Hirst Arts printed one leading to an unknown location.

Then onto the ones from the Townscape book. First off, those actual buildings from the townscape building are tiny....meant I guess just as blocking terrain for WHFB games. So I doubled the size.

These builds are giving an opportunity to try some new things as I build. Made of Foam Core, card stock, coffee stir sticks, some plastic sprue & some wallpaper which looks like will see that in anotherphoto.

This building has 2 raised floor areas of different heights. The floors are removable.

Here is an image of the flagstone patterned wallpaper that I had seen another person using on his miniature bases. Intrigued, I bought 2 rolls of it & this was my first opportunity to use it. It takes a bit to cover up the shiny flecked original colours, but does come out nice when complete.

The last item/hurdle I had to resolve was doors that would open & close. This problem had some potential solutions that I had seen some other gamers recently use. However that would have required getting some wire to make hinges & hooks.

Finally as I was cleaning my teeth after eating some corn on the cob, it hit me....why not a tooth pick that would be pushed upwards into the foamcore.

I was rather pleased with the final results of the doors. And thus 2 buildings are now completed & will be making their way to the store.

So a couple of things to note. These buildings do take some time to build, mainly due to waiting for the glue to dry. Many of us are now using 3d printed buildings which look fantastic when painted up, but its always fun to get back to using basic items & creating.

Doubling the size may work for the ground level, but as I am starting to get the next building started, have opted for only doing 1.5x the height rather than 2x. Then again, it is a single story building.

Now to see if the store is happy with the results 😓



  1. I loved the comparison shot at the end, great result Terry. Loved the hinge idea too.

    1. Thanks Michael, dropped them at the store today. The owners were happy!
