Sunday, April 9, 2017

Frostgrave - The Silent Tower

Our campaign continues, with our 4th foray into Felstad. This week we played the Silent Tower scenario. We had 4 warbands take part.

The warbands come across a ruined tower that makes the spell users feel unsettled. They can feel that the tower is a null field, where no magic will work, & yet they know that a great treasure lies at the top.


The aftermath found the warbands with the following;

Ludwig - 130xp, 20gp & a 2 handed weapon with +2 Damage (which he sold to collect 400gp). Stefan misses next game. Ludwig suffered a bad wound requiring 100gc to heal.

Innovar - 355xp, 40gc. +2 Damage Hand weapon; Purp misses game, Innovar suffers a close call, Erot is slain.

Bob - 580xp, 20gc, +1 Ring of Protection, Tofer slain.

Eben - 290xp, 400gc; Borke misses game


  1. Another great report Terry, I love the wizard's eye, that made me chuckle this morning.

    1. Thanks Michael, its seems those eyes have it! Getting some chuckles on Frostgrave Facebook site as well.
      Would this be a case of humour is the eye of the beholder?

  2. The wizards eye had me laughing too. V good!

    1. Thanks Gobbo. I was initially checking out doll eyes, but they are quite expensive, so I opted for plan B. Seems a success.

  3. Great batrep. I must admit I enjoyed the spell effects as well. The wizards eyes are simple yet look effective! There seemed to be some exceptional bowmanship today.

    1. Thanks Simon, yes the eyes are turning out to be a real pain to the opposing warbands. It pretty much prevented one wizard from venturing out from his starting area (though that may be intentional as he scooped all kinds of kill xp from wandering critters)

  4. An excellent report sir - bravo! I particularly like the 'sound effects' - THOKK!

    1. Thanks JP, I may need to go look at some old Batman comics & the Adam West TV series for more climatic sound effects!

  5. Excellent idea with the comic book battle report and wonderful terrain.

    1. Thanks Pat, it could easily be used for you to do a Sgt Rock of Easy Company variant.
