Sunday we played our 2nd game of Stargrave. I used the basis of The Botched Deal scenario to create the one below. I also took some 'ideas' from Core space in how the civilians act.
The Scenario:
The Rescue! - Having escaped the Station, you make for the planet surface, hoping to outfit your crew & then make a break before the pirates arrive. You send some of your crew with the First Mate into town to buy some gear, while you stay behind with the remainder to get the ship ready for a jump. Your crewmen return, informing you, that there are wanted posters of you & your first mate plastered everywhere! It seems your actions on the station have preceeded you. Your facing charges of murder, theft & general unpleasantness from the evacuation from the station.
Your first mate has failed to return & his tracker shows his location within the town. He must have been captured.
The plan now is simple. Get in, Free your Mate & get back to the ship as quickly as possible.Special Rules:
1) Once the start location are chosen, another player takes your first mate & places him in a building 30" from your start location. A Pirate Trooper is placed with him as his guard.
2) The doors & hatches of the buildings are locked (TN12) & must be picked to open from the outside.
3) Any ranged combat within a building will provide a +1 Cover to the defender.
4) The Townsfolk are anxious & agitated with the likely arrival of the pirate forces. There are 1d0 + Player # currently walking about the streets. If when rolling for initiative a player rolls 1-4, an additional town person emerges from a building, place him outside any door. Townsfolk are treated as ruffians for skills.
5) At the start of the creature phase roll a d6 for each townsperson to see what they do.
1 - Civilain is revealed as a bounty hunter who is after the nearest crewman in LOS.
2 - Spends both actions moving in a random direction.
3 - Makes a ranged attack at nearest crewan in range & LOS, then moves into cover from the target. If noone in range, perform random move as above.
4 - Moves towards the nearest crewman in LOS. If he contacts the crewman, he offers to join the crew. If no crewman in LOS, move randomly. If they join your crew & survive, they become a Recruit if kept.
5 - Move into cover from nearest crewman in LOS.
6 - Moves towards nearest unengaged crewwan in LOS. If they contact the crewman they provide them a Side Hustle card, which can be used in any future scenario.
If a townsperson is engaged in combat, they will act like regular creatures. This will also occur with engaging any pirates that arrive. Any other townspeople who observe the combat will also engage the attackers.
6) Unwanted Attention - The pirates have followed the engine trails to the surface & have sent scout ships to investgate. Roll 1d20+Player # each turn to determine what arrives at a random location.
Loot & XP:
Players roll for Loot as normal
Gain xp as normal
+30 xp if first mate rescued.
We had 5 crews trying to rescue their First Mates.
The first member of 'The Pack' arrive in town
Scott & I got into a major gun battle, spending the first few turns taking one anothers crew out.
While we were busy exchanging gunfire the smoke could be seen popping on the other side of town.
The couryard in the central building (where there were 3 first mates being held) was getting busy with lots of civilians.
The Pirates make their appearance & begin their hunt for targets & loot!
My Chiseller makes it to the roof above where my fist mate is held & is swarmed by Craig's crew. Surprisingly he survived & forced Craig to leave.
A bit of the action at the far end of town with Kurts & Craigs forces engaging one another while more pirates were arriving. |
The game was quite hectic, players began using the arriving civilians to temporarily deal with pirate arrivals. The pirates did capture 2 of the loot tokens. Thanks to everyone who played & now we depart this planet where we are no longer welcome....what awaits us now?
We will begin using the latest supplement ship rules, however our rickity ships will all be starting with 500 structure points. Wish us luck!