Sunday, January 19, 2025

Stargrave - Welcome Down to Cratertown!

 Today we dived into our 3rd scenario of the Lost Prospector Campaign. This time is was scenario #4 Welcome Down to Cratertown (but why does Bartertown keep ringing in my head?)

Cratertown is the largest Freeholders settlement in the system. Built within a crater, it is only reachable by ramps carved out from above to enter into the community. All spacecaft must be landed on the surface above due to space restrictions within the crater.


The settlers have rigged up a rudimentary atmospheric processing system to recycle oxygen & an airshield to hold the oxygen within the crater. Hopefully someone here has some info on the whereabouts of the Prospector.

 Alas, the crews arrive just in time to find a Molly raid in progress.

The crews emerge from the tunnel ramps.

Craigs gang arrives

The Molly Surfer Boys arrive & begin to strafe the crews.

Unfortunately for them, with all the return fire, it was bound to happen. A Critical destroys the Grav Sled!


Dans gang did a bit of damage to the one who strafed his gang.

With the crew spreadout, the push into the town continues. One of the things I added to the scenario, is that whenever a crew took down a Surfer, a Freelander would emerge & join their crew for the remainder of the game.

The streets sure are quiet. The Freelanders have locked down the town, this required anyone wishing to go within a building to unlock the doors (TN13)

Another Molly crashes & burns. This happened to about 5 of them, getting taken down by criticals.

The battle continues with the gangs gathering loot.

Dans crew snags another physical loot!

Things got heated between Chen's & my crews. Lots of Smoke & Walls of Force. I was able to get a wall of force into the ramp entrance, blocking Chen from using it. He spent most of the remainder of the game trying to shoot his way through it

Reese my Chiseler had been wounded & held out against Craig's gang for several turns before succumbing to an attack by both his Captain & First Mate. Reese succumbed to his numerous wounds...

So all got away with some loot, the Molly raid was repelled, however with most of the gangs using their supportive Freeholders as cannon fodder against rival gangs, most did not get any gains in faction with them. Craig again earned the most investigation & has chosed scenario 5 for the next game.

Some end notes we discussed for this scenario when we play it again is to have the surfer boys initially deploy at the center of the table, where the primary loot token is located. They would then fan out from there. I had set the game up where if anyone rolled a 1 for initiative, another surfer boy would arrive. Based on a suggestion by Craig, I think we would have the Mollys arrive using the Unwanted Attention rules. However whenever Shock Troops were rolled, they would instead arrive as Surfer Boys. Any foot troops for the raid would emerge down the ramps. This would likely cause the players to have a bit more hustle with gathering & getting away.



  1. Genial escenario y geniales minis, le falta la cúpula del trueno ;)

    1. Thanks, just translating it via Google for most of my readers. "Great Stage & Great Mini's. Missing the Thunderdome."
