Last night, Craig brought out X-Wing for a game. It's been quite awhile since I played this & it was great to see it again on the table.
We had 4 guys out to play. Craig & Martin played the Rebels, while Dan & I were the Empire.
The scenario involved the Empire escorting 3 containers across the zone, while the Rebels were hoping to snag a couple to disrupt their plans.
The Rebels chose to have the Millenium Falcon as being the ship that could gather the with that in mind, it became the target of the Empire forces...trying to slow it down & hinder its mobility, while the containers continue to cross the zone.
There was the loss of all the Empire force except for the last Tie Fighter which managed to delay the Falcon long enough for the containers to get away.
Thanks Craig for a fun game, hopefully we will get more people out the next time you bring it!