Thursday, March 20, 2025

Muskets & Tomahawks at EWG

Tuesday night, Richard ran a game of Muskets & Tomahawks. Set up for 4 players, we only had 3 as a few folks cancelled just prior to the game.


This was a battle set during the AWI with Provinicial Troops attempting to clear the Fallen Woods. Pitted against them were several units of natives & some Canadian Militia dressed up to look like natives.


The entire board was considered light cover, which added lots of sighting issues, with the various column shifts due to class & skills of the elements.


However once the lead began to fly, the smoke made things a whole lot easier. The natives did succumb to the skilled firing of the provincial troops, who held their own. The Provincial forces did have their militia beat a hasty retreat, but then that was to be expected. Thanks for running the game Richard!

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