Sunday, February 21, 2021

Core Space - Zed

Having completed the current crews I have (I don't seem to have the crew of the Yamato---yet), I am starting on the Gang, led by the Infamous Zed


A very nice figure, with a lot of detail.


As leader of the gang, he is supported by quite a cast of characters.The next on the bench is Chunk, followed by Evangeline & 1 other. There are a couple other figures that I didn't seem to get on the first Kickstarter, so will be looking at picking those up too!

Thanks for visiting. 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Heath, These are great figures, except for the mold lines

  2. Great looking crew member and such a wonderful lot of detail on the sculpt.

    1. Thanks Zabadak, he is the leader of the criminal element, but then what regular traders are also not into a bit of nefarious activity.
