Well its been a weekend for the books. Things started off well with Saturday spent at the Gibbons Town-wide Garage Sale. Though I didn't find much in the way of gaming related items, I did get a slew of movies & several books from series that I've had sitting on my shelves waiting for...the complete series... before I start to read them.
However there were 2 vehicles I found for Post Apocolyptic/Zombie Apocolypse type games. An electrical truck & a Mini Cooper!
Then upon arriving home & having just getting online after supper discovered that a good gaming friend has passed. This has sent quite a shock through our gaming community & he will be greatly missed by all of us.
Jonathan, Matthew & I getting ready to play on one of Kevin's fantastic gaming tables. (2010)
Kevin teaching us to play Spartacus
Kevin introduces the club to Fanticide
Kevin & I playing Frostgrave! |
A throwback to Kevin running Warhammer Silver Tower at the club. His work on this game was outstanding & it was a pleasure getting to play with Elliot & him.
Needless to say there was a hurried gathering which I attended to toast our fallen gaming buddy & tell stories of our times with him.
Image taken at our gathering to toast & honour Kevin. Thanks Elliot for providing it.
Then today I was off to the Model Train Show. My wife & I attend this yearly & enjoy the displays & layouts. We also get an opportunity to vote for our favority layout & good luck to all of them, as so much dedicated work goes into making them.
There were definately less displays that in years before the pandemic, so I hope to see it get back to those better times. Those who did attend were still well worth viewing.
One of my favorite displays is this guys scratchbuilt diorama's. I often need to wipe the drool from my shoe after oggling his work.
However the train show was much more successful as the very first vendor booth proffered me quite a selection of vehicles for my 28mm gaming. No, I didn't buy all of them & these are all used, so didn't pay more than $10 on any single vehicle.
There was a nice range of everything from early 1900's (Victorian Pulp anyone?)
Onto 1920's/30's Gangsters & of course Pulp. I even found a 2nd French bus identical too one I purchased several years ago!
Finally a few for modern games.
The one that topped the day for my gaming vehicles was a 1/43 scale Bus!
So with the weekend coming to a close, I am taking some time to reflect once again on my lost friend....Kevin. You were certainly one in a million! As long as we remember him, he will always be with us.