I spent this past weekend at Kefcon, a local Edmonton, which has now had its 6th year. As with most things, it was paused during the pandemic, but Cthulhu had said enough is enough & it was GAME ON!
The focus on this years event was Cthulhu themed. Those who played games with a Lovecraftian flair received a ticket which would be drawn at the end of the weekend. The more of those games you played or ran, the more tickets you would get.
I started my Friday night running Fate of the Elder Gods. All those playing were new to this game
Thus they didn't pay attention to what Scott was doing, with his constant visits to the Outer Worlds. He won the game & I think all those who played enjoyed it.
The next game I played was Sleeping Gods. A game I purchased recently, but had yet to look further into. Again we were all new players & there was a bit of a learning curve to this one. One thing for sure, it is not easy or forgiving.
Returning Saturday morning I started out with Lost Ruins of Arnak. Another game I had never played. I should mention that I have found the Kefcon's a good opportunity for me to see & play games I have generally been unaware of. This is turn can often lead me to the local game stores to buy a copy if I enjoy it.
There were some interesting mechanics in this game, with players needing to decide whether to focus on research or exploration. I would like to play the game a few more times to get a better grasp of it.
The afternoon game was Nemesis! I kickstarted this game, but have yet to get it to the table or even out of the box for that matter. Myriam was a great teacher & again, none of us had played prior.
I chose the soldier as my character & armed with my Energy Rifle, was ready...
Having woken up & not remembering much, we began moving about looking for equipment. I got slimed in the very first room I entered.
The game is semi-cooperative as the ship needs to be repaired of fires or other malfunctions. However each player has a hidden objective. It didn't take long for the Scientist to not be of assitance to the others...thus I was kind of happy when a creeper jumped him.
With the Pilot stating that the ship was on course for Earth, it was time to make for the Escape Pods. Of course in this game, one must be skeptical of anything anyone says. 
The Pilot & I got to the Escape Pods, just in time for this adult Alien to emerge from the vents. I managed to drop it, but not before sustaining some light wounds & a 'condition' card, which wouldn't be revealed until I went to sick bay.
Bugger that I am getting off this ship!!!

Meanwhile more fun for the scientist, as the Alien Queen spawned on his space.

Punched out and away I went. Later it was revealed that I had been infected & thus was likely a shriveled husk by the time anyone found me.

The next game played was a 5 player Cthulhu Wars. I didn't get any photos, as the table was in one of the poorer lit areas. However Scott won, so he left the table happy.
Sunday began with Eldritch Horror. We had a couple of new players, so it went slow as many things had to be explained. It was all good though, as a big part of this event is teaching players new games. Again no images for this one.
The early afternoon I jumped into another game that I bought into on the Kickstarter but had yet to play. Cthulhu Death May Die.
I selected Ariele, the Specialist Hunter. They had an interesting system for the character boards, where it slipped between 2 clear sheets, one of which had recessed spots for the tokens. As things heat up & you lose sanity, it also makes you tougher & you increase your abilities. Of course the better you get, the closer you come to...well you know...insane! Speaking of which, we also each start with a condition or mental handicap card which is kept hidden & reflects how or what your character can do in various circumstances.

We did the first Chapter Mission 1 scenario, requiring us to destroy 4 labs, which would then have Cthulhu spawn, who we also had to defeat.
There was a lot of fire in this game, which can be extinguished, however didn't really affect you unless you left the space containing it, then you would catch on fire.

We did manage to complete the mission, however it involved slaying Cthulhu 4 times before he would stop returning. Great game, with lots of tension & I look forward to getting this to the table again sooner than later, but this will require me to get it pulled out & painted!
The last game I played to end the weekend was Mansions of Madness v2.0
This is the version that uses the app. Again I didn't bother with photos as most of it is on the computer screen.
So thus ended another excellent convention. Add this to your schedule if your in Edmonton next year to attend.