Monday, July 17, 2023

Mordheim & some scatter repaints

Better late, than never, here are some photos from our last Road to Mordheim Game - The West Gate.


This saw the warbands pitted against a corrupted oak - filled with wyrdstone, which blocked entry into Mordheim's West Gate.

Added to that were a random number of twisted dryads.

It took quite awhile for my beastman warband to take the tree down, but it was toppled (but not slain) just as my warband failed its route test...leaving the field to the dwarf treasure hunters (who sadly for them, left empty handed).


Doug had brought out his gaming table which several of the guys played on.

After returning home, & sorting through my terrain, I decided that some of my scatter needed a repaint, as they were previously done with a quick paintjob.


These were some small resin carts & 3 barricades (also resin) which I cannot recall where they had come from. However after some contrast paint & a bit of drybrushing, they are now good-to-go.


I added some scrap bits of cheescloth to a couple of the barricades to add more oomph!


  1. The Mordheim game game looks a lot of fun and htere's so much going on !
    The second terrian would be great to play on I imagine with all the varioua heights to contend with.
    It's always good to to get scatter terrain finished though a pain to do at times, it's very satisfying when it's finished.

    1. Thanks Joe! With all the great 3d print files I've been gathering, there will be much more scatter in the future
