Friday, August 30, 2024

Lava Pools

Just a quick post for today, as I've finished up converting several craters into lava pools.

For my last Stargrave game, I needed a pit terrain piece. As the GW crater sets are long gone & way overpriced even if I could fine one, as well as both of my fdm printers being down atm, I was able to find a set of the Mantic Sci-Fi craters at a local game store.


So using the largest 'deepest' one for my pit, I was sitting there with the others. Then I thought maybe I would do something different with them. Rather than just use them as craters, I opted to turn them into lava pools, to augment my other lava terrain pieces.


The pieces seemed similar to vac-form type terrain & they had edges that I did a bit of scattered dirt on.


Overall, happy with the result, it wasn't a too onerous project I was able fit in with my other projects to get it completed. So as I said, a short post for today, thanks for stopping by!