Sunday, August 18, 2024

Stargrave - The Last Stop

 Continuing our Stargrave Campaign,  our crews managed to jump onto the Rim Rail & were beginning to relax, as the carriage hurried along the track.

Suddenly, everything went flying as the rail car bounced, smashed against something & violently changed direction. The car skewed off of the track whipping everyone inside, until it came to a jolting stop.

As those within began to come to their senses, they pried open the doors & stumbled out into a dark, nightmarish scene...

In the centre of the map, a large pit sits. The remainder of the cavern is filled with rock piles & some industrial machines, covered in a slimy coating.

Several physical loot tokens surround the pit. The air coming out from the pit is hot & foul smelling, filling the air with a mist. Visibility is limited to 16"

Several Data Loot tokens are at the edges of the map.

As the crew begin to stumble out of the cars, blips begin to emerge at the edges of the appears the only way to get out is down the foul-smelling pit.

Within moments, bugs begin to appear rushing towards the soldiers. As we've been on the run, our ammo is beginning to run low. Weapons jam on a 1 or 2 when shooting. If the same weapon jams a second time, it is out of ammo for the remainder of the scenario.

One of Chen's infected crewmen turned & was quickly taken out, before it could spread the infection.

Chen's & Dan's crews found themselves beset by warrior bugs!

As other crewmen were still struggling to get out of the wrecked cars, most had began clustering around the pit, waiting for the stragglers.

Bugs continued to catch up with soldiers making it challenging for anyone to assist, without finding themselves locked down... time was critical, as more blips continued to arrive. Every time a loot token was unlocked, any blips would automatically move 5" towards it, which often revealed numerous bugs

Most managed to make it out, a couple others...not so.

As a massive amount of bugs were swarming the remnants who got held up at the pits edge...the sound of gunfire grew silent & all that remained was the sounds of tearing & rending.

So we've escaped down the pit, but where does that lead us? Until next time....


  1. A genuinely exciting narrative, those bugs certainly swarm quickly.

    1. Thanks Michael. There were some fun aspects to the scenario...1) rolling a TN14 will test to exit the crashed carriage. 2) modding the scenario as I always do. With 5 or 6 players, the scenarios as written would be too easy. So I limited visibility to 16". 3) As the scenario is continuing from the previous, no opportunity to reequip or replace fallen members, & higher chance of running out of ammo. 4) Went with using blips over specific bugs...add to the suspense, as you never know whats going to spring up. As to the bugs...they move fast & if they can get in amongst your crew, the warriors +4 fight could mean them taking out a crewmen & then rushing the 7" to engage another for next turn....oh the fun!
