Friday, August 9, 2024

Zombicide Campaign Game 4 - The 24 Hours Race of Zombicity!

I ran our 4th Campaign game at the club on Tuesday. This time we introduced the vehicles rules...which were not those of the produced rules, but rather some advanced ones created & posted on Boardgamegeek. Everyone really liked them!


With the goal of getting 1 survivor into the red, the vehicles would definately come in handy when the swarms began showing up. Everyone quickly searched the first police vehicle for weapons...kitted out, we moved to the first building.


Luckily, we had a lot of " no zombies" drawn & apart from a couple of Fatties & Friends further in, were able to deal with the walkers shambling in.


Doug got a bit bold, & found himself best by 3 runners. With some assitance by others shortly after, the threat abated.


The Abomination had finally arrived & our last Molotov made short work of him.


Amy & Troy had jumped into the first police car & zoomed around the corner. Vehicles will have 5 + 1d6 fuel when started up. Having taken out 2 groups of zombies, they were near empty (and the vehicle had been quite damaged) when it stopped by the next police SUV.


Amy & Troy return to the group, having successfully gotten Amy into the red, which ended the scenario.


So a couple of takeaways. My campaign consists of all the Zombicide games. Using generically 2nd ed rules to fix some of the issues with the first edition...I realized the 2nd ed boards, seem to lack manholes. As I am starting with the 1st ed figures & seemed odd. So back to using the 1st ed scenarios for this early campaign.

Secondly, I realized that we were playing the manhole spawning zombie cards incorrectly. We assumed they would spawn only if a figure was in the manhole space. See below! This will certainly be better next game.

So thanks to those who came out to play. It's good to see that even when you think things are going well....Murphy shows up!


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