Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Alien Fate of the Nostromo at EWG

Last night I ran Alien: Fate of the Nostromo at the club. We had a full game of 5 players, with an extra person lurking who got to join in for our second play of the game. So overall a good turnout with 8 club members in attendance.


I've run this before & its a great club game, as it plays fairly quickly (depending how fast the players lose their morale to the rampaging Xeno). We also used the Ash optional rule, which pretty much ties up one of the characters to keep Ash from causing issues.


Our first game didn't last long, we lost lots of morale quickly & had only accomplished 2 of the 6 objectives we had.


Chen had to leave, so Jonathan jumped in for the second game. Now that the players had a better grasp of the abilities of the various crew members, we were more strategic with movement of the Xeno.


As well, much more gear was built. Flashlights & the incinerators, followed my motion detectors to clear the concealed tokens.


We had managed to clear 4 of the 6 objectives before a band chain of events occured. The Xeno moved onto me in the image below & I had to flee into one of the rooms with the concealed token. It revealed the Alien again, which caused us to lose 7 morale in 1 turn....thats where everything went sideways


All in all, a great game & everyone who played had a good time. I am sure this will find other evenings at the club in the future.  Our next club night will have Dan running Shadows of Brimstone, so stay tuned for that!

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