Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Shadows of Brimstone at EWG

Dan brought out Shadows of Brimstone to the club last night. We had 4 of us delve into the old mines to rescue some townsfolk who had been spirited away by some cultist types.


We had a Nun (Dan), Prospector (Colin), Desparato (Chen) & Native Scout (Me).


Our first encounter was a swarm of rats with a rat nest. The rat nest had the potential to spawn more rats each turn until destroyed.


The rats were fast, but we managed to take them down & proceeded to take out the nest.


Alas I never took any photos of the major fight that occured in the following room. In that battle there were 2 Night Terrors, 3 Stranglers & 12 spider-like things. We did manage to survive, but had pretty much used all the healing items we had, so had to withdraw from the mine & were unable to rescue the captives.

Thanks Dan for bringing this out. Next up for the club is X-Wing on the 4th of March

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