Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Next!....Another Barbarian

Painting continues on my Barbarians. Here is the next built from the Northstar Barbarian Box Set for Frostgrave

Continuin to dabble with the GW Contrast paints on things like wood. I used the Wyldwood for his shield. I do like the effect!

As we are confined to our homes, I've begun the monumental task of hauling all the stuff I've stashed in the crawlspace out & am taking stock of what's there, what I still want & now builing the pile of what eventually will be posted for sale either online or through swapmeets down the road. This also means I am finding odd miniatures that are now making their way towards the paint table.

Stay tuned!


  1. Another great, unique barbarian and I reckon he's looking a bit like "What am I doing here?"
    I know the feeling of scratting around for stuff - I amanged to find three wood lolly sticks, some very thin cane and some dried out twigs from the garden all now put to good use.

    1. Thanks Zabadak. So far 3 big boxes of stuff completed. Its mostly the packaging that makes everything take up so much space. So doing a lot of ziplock bagging figures instead of blisters, etc.

  2. I have never used the GW Contrast paints but I must say the wood effects look superb.

    1. Thanks Pat, just starting to dabble with them, but they work well for wood & fur this far
