Friday, February 10, 2023

EWG Club Night 7 Feb

We had 2 games running at the club on Tuesday. Gaston hosted Jessica & Scott in a 3 player game of Julius Caesar. You will need to check out the EWG Facebook page for more details on this one.


The rest of us huddled around the table for our 2nd game of "The Thing from Outpust 31"


Kurt is already reacting to being called "The Thing" & we haven't even picked our characters yet!

This time around I got Clark as my character. Each character has 2 abilities, one of which can be used when they are the Captain, to determine the results of a mission.


All the characters hang out in the rec room, waiting to learn if they are selected to go on the active Captains Mission. Missions range in numbers of characters that may be taken, the required 'types' of characters that must be part of the mission, etc.

And of course, the mission I was Captain of....failed.


Some mission cards will denote there is Smoke or a Fire in various rooms. The current Captain failing to perform their mission in those rooms, will cause either a fire to erupt, or the room to be burnt down, thus making whatever was located there, unusable.


Succeeding in the mission will allow you to flip the token...WOAH! A Thing!...Combat ensues. (this was the wrong THING, it should have been the tiny one)


Continuing on,  another mission success....& another Thing!


For as well as we did, we did lose the game, however we wanted to play out the Helicopter Escape, where the final Captin chooses who gets on the chopper!

I was chose Captain, so I picked those who would be flying out with me.....

 Sweet, I didn't take along any infected (which would also have lost the game). There was a bit of a misunderstanding with how many infected players could be & it turns out, there was 1 additional human who was left behind. All in all a great game, & everyone who played had a great time. Thanks again to Evan for bringing this out!



  1. I really must look at getting "the thing etc." as it looks so much fun and I'm sure our little entourage wold love it.

    1. Its a good game, however you need the players to 'stick' to the confuse & addle the others should you be 'infected' so as to not get discovered. Certainly some cagey card play takes place!
