Saturday, October 19, 2024

Model Train Fall Swap Meet

Today was a day to deal with all things Model Train....things that were for sale at some excellent prices!


I always like to attend these events to see what I can find for my Zombie Apocalypse, Pulp, Gangsters games. Its also an opportunity to get terrain items, whether its trees, rocks, buildings, etc.

My first find of the day was this excellent 'large' airfield emergency tanker.

 As with most items, you can often haggle a bit, which I did for this one. Next up was some smaller vehicles which can be used for pulp or gangsters.


Then I saw a 1960's Police car, that had working doors & trunk.


A couple more larger trucks, I can already see the potential of graffiti on the white truck!


My last find was this Plasticville Hanger. The planes themselves don't suit the scale, so will shunted off to the garage sale box.


I managed to get a walkthru done in about 45 minutes. It was quite busy & another successful swapmeet in the books.


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